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NYC Department of Buildings
Elevator violations for failure to file Periodic, Category 1, Category 5 and Affirmation of Correction issued in August 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
Boiler violations for failure to file internal and external inspection reports and affirmation of correction issued in November 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
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Premises: 82-17 LEFFERTS BOULEVARD QUEENS BIN: 4079541    Block: 3331    Lot: 1
ALT 513-34 ALTERATION 00/00/1934
ALT 1071-44 ALTERATION 00/00/1944
ALT 134-48 ALTERATION 00/00/1948
BN 778/75 BUILDING NOTICE 00/00/0000
COR 4339-37 00/00/1937
MIS 3916-42 MISCELLANEOUS 00/00/1942
MIS 576-44 MISCELLANEOUS 00/00/1944
MIS 738-49 MISCELLANEOUS 00/00/1949
MIS 62-82 MISCELLANEOUS 00/00/1982
MISC 4548/42 MISCELLANEOUS 00/00/0000
NB 7793-23 NEW BUILDING 00/00/1923
NB 370-42 NEW BUILDING 00/00/1942
PA 40-49 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY 00/00/1949
PR 675-49 00/00/1949
V 30000560-86..BOILER DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 08/08/1986
V* 2587PA021J09 DOB VIOLATION - DISMISSED 02/05/1987
  DISMISSAL DATE: 07/27/1987            
V* 72787PA209H1 DOB VIOLATION - DISMISSED 07/27/1987
  DISMISSAL DATE: 01/26/1988            
V 062893LL629114414 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 06/28/1993
V 021097LL629135612 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 02/10/1997
V 010308LL629123869 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 01/03/2008
V 100115LBLVIO12989 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 10/01/2015
V 042523LBLVIO22413 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 04/25/2023
V 062023LBLVIO10647 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 06/20/2023
V 062023LBLVIO32365 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 06/20/2023

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