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NYC Department of Buildings
Elevator violations for failure to file Periodic, Category 1, Category 5 and Affirmation of Correction issued in August 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
Boiler violations for failure to file internal and external inspection reports and affirmation of correction issued in November 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
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Premises: 37-17 GREENPOINT AVENUE QUEENS BIN: 4003325    Block: 232    Lot: 4
ALT 1122-14 ALTERATION 00/00/1914
ALT 609-14 ALTERATION 00/00/1914
ALT 5017-34(149E-O37ST) ALTERATION 00/00/1934
ALT 9090-34 ALTERATION 00/00/1934
BN 634-76 BUILDING NOTICE 00/00/1976
GAS 3580 00/00/0000
V* 010782ZSTM8 DOB VIOLATION - CLOSED 00/00/1982
  CLOSURE DATE: 09/28/2011            
V* 010784CSTM5 DOB VIOLATION - CLOSED 00/00/1984
  CLOSURE DATE: 09/28/2011            

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