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NYC Department of Buildings
Elevator violations for failure to file Periodic, Category 1, Category 5 and Affirmation of Correction issued in August 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
Boiler violations for failure to file internal and external inspection reports and affirmation of correction issued in November 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
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Premises: 366 15 STREET BROOKLYN BIN: 3801095    Block: 1107    Lot: 10
ALT 3026(36815THST)-063041 ALTERATION 00/00/1906
P &D4839(36815THST8-063041 PLUMBING 00/00/1906
UNK 6-8-1545633001CEWOOD6-10 UNKNOWN 00/00/0000
UNK 3-15-162030CEWOOD UNKNOWN 00/00/1915
UNK 3-18-18985CEWOOD UNKNOWN 00/00/1918
UNK 9-23-15 UNKNOWN 00/00/1923
UNK 5-24-1555126-9-15 UNKNOWN 00/00/1924
UNK 10-28-1454073129LATH11-1 UNKNOWN 00/00/1928
UNK5 5-24-1539152748CEWOOD6-1 00/00/1924
XO 28-370-80GEORGE12-082362 00/00/1937
V* 050305E94443128049 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 05/03/2005
V* 050305E94443128037 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 05/03/2005
V* 050305E94443128035 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 05/03/2005
V* 051407E90113201506 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 05/14/2007
V* 063008E9011/261034 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 06/30/2008
V* 063008E9011/261032 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 06/30/2008
V* 022709E9011/295841 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 02/27/2009
V* 042611E9028/378622 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 04/26/2011
V* 051407E90113201508 DOB VIOLATION - RESOLVED 05/14/2007
V* 072514E9027/518808 DOB VIOLATION - DISMISSED 07/25/2014

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If you have any questions please review these Frequently Asked Questions, the Glossary, or call the 311 Citizen Service Center by dialing 311 or (212) NEW YORK outside of New York City.

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