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NYC Department of Buildings
Elevator violations for failure to file Periodic, Category 1, Category 5 and Affirmation of Correction issued in August 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
Boiler violations for failure to file internal and external inspection reports and affirmation of correction issued in November 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
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Premises: 229 DUFFIELD STREET BROOKLYN BIN: 3421373    Block: 146    Lot: 14
ALT 2252-050940 ALTERATION 00/00/1905
ALT 4650-47 ALTERATION 12/03/1947
CERT 124830-49ALT4750-47 (PDF) CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 11/15/1949
DEM 91-64(229) DEMOLITION 00/00/1964
EA 164/10SO/061011#1180 ELEVATOR APPLICATION 02/11/2010
EA 545/10SO/041311#729 ELEVATOR APPLICATION 04/26/2010
EA 546/10SO/022311#729 ELEVATOR APPLICATION 04/26/2010
ES 723-49 ELECTRIC SIGN 08/26/1949
ES 4-87 ELECTRIC SIGN 01/16/1987
FO 2523-49 OIL BURNER APPLICATION 08/08/1949
P&D 621-31 PLUMBING & DRAINAGE 03/20/1931
P&D 2866-40 PLUMBING & DRAINAGE 00/00/1940
P&D 11031-47 PLUMBING & DRAINAGE 12/03/1947
PRS 676-56 PLUMBING REPAIR SLIP 03/02/1956
PRS 2268-57 PLUMBING REPAIR SLIP 05/27/1957
PRS 567-77 PLUMBING REPAIR SLIP 06/20/1977
PRS 1820-85 PLUMBING REPAIR SLIP 10/16/1985
SPR 111-40 SPRINKLERS 00/00/1940
SPRI 8400-40 00/00/1940
SR 177-41LYNCH SPECIAL REPORT 00/00/1941
UB** 9302-51 00/00/1951
V* 082995LL629130862 DOB VIOLATION - DISMISSED 08/29/1995
V* 021097LL629116540 DOB VIOLATION - DISMISSED 02/10/1997
V* 022701LL629112288 DOB VIOLATION - DISMISSED 02/27/2001

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