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NYC Department of Buildings
Elevator violations for failure to file Periodic, Category 1, Category 5 and Affirmation of Correction issued in August 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
Boiler violations for failure to file internal and external inspection reports and affirmation of correction issued in November 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
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Premises: 1802 48 STREET BROOKLYN BIN: 3129069    Block: 5450    Lot: 6
ALT 658-79(1806) ALTERATION 00/00/1979
BN 333-021449 BUILDING NOTICE 00/00/1949
BN 2958-68(19052468 BUILDING NOTICE 00/00/1968
C/A 15754-74 00/00/1974
CERT 23969-012424 (PDF) CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 00/00/1924
ES 16739-113023 ELECTRIC SIGN 00/00/1923
ES 22488-112823 ELECTRIC SIGN 00/00/1923
ES 10063-060325 ELECTRIC SIGN 00/00/1925
ES 7173-060525 ELECTRIC SIGN 00/00/1925
ES 11944-121134 ELECTRIC SIGN 00/00/1934
ES 16749-120734 ELECTRIC SIGN 00/00/1934
ES 244-011534 ELECTRIC SIGN 00/00/1934
ES 334-4801-011234 ELECTRIC SIGN 00/00/1948
FO 545-64(1806) OIL BURNER APPLICATION 00/00/1964
FO 627-73(1806) OIL BURNER APPLICATION 00/00/1973
FO 1146-90 OIL BURNER APPLICATION 09/21/1990
FUEL 1073-032342 00/00/1942
NB 2807-021923 NEW BUILDING 00/00/1923
NB 59822-23-23FOF-050823 NEW BUILDING 00/00/1923
NBNB 5982-23 00/00/1923
P &D558-021832 PLUMBING 00/00/1932
PRS 251-4801-020739 PLUMBING REPAIR SLIP 00/00/1948
PRS 535-4801-021863 PLUMBING REPAIR SLIP 00/00/1948
PRS 756-50 PLUMBING REPAIR SLIP 00/00/1950
PRS 369-4805-021165 PLUMBING REPAIR SLIP 00/00/1965

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