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NYC Department of Buildings
Elevator violations for failure to file Periodic, Category 1, Category 5 and Affirmation of Correction issued in August 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
Boiler violations for failure to file internal and external inspection reports and affirmation of correction issued in November 2023 or later are only available in DOB NOW: Safety. Search the DOB NOW public portal for these records.
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Premises: 46 STARR STREET BROOKLYN BIN: 3072707    Block: 3196    Lot: 29
ALT 1106-031140 ALTERATION 00/00/1940
BN 1285-062756 BUILDING NOTICE 00/00/1956
FO 1708-062756 OIL BURNER APPLICATION 00/00/1956
P &D1486-031140 PLUMBING 00/00/1940
V* 091687C04H01 DOB VIOLATION - CLOSED 00/00/1987
  CLOSURE DATE: 09/28/2011            
V* 091687C04H02 DOB VIOLATION - CLOSED 00/00/1987
  CLOSURE DATE: 09/28/2011            
V 060193LL629105102 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 06/01/1993
V 060194LL629105103 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 06/01/1994
V 082995LL629124137 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 08/29/1995
V 091697LL6291230013 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 09/16/1997
V 031699LL629119024 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 03/16/1999
V 020700LL629119326 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 02/07/2000
V 022701LL629118872 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 02/27/2001
V 032602LL629119927 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 03/26/2002
V 031903LL629118625 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 03/19/2003
V 021304LL629113408 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 02/13/2004
V 013105LL629112353 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 01/31/2005
V 010606LL629111460 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 01/06/2006
V 011907LL629111986 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 01/19/2007
V 010308LL629111525 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 01/03/2008
V 010109LL629111542 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 01/01/2009
V 123109LBLVIO13758 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 12/31/2009
V 121311LBLVIO11778 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 12/13/2011
V 030113LBLVIO08842 DOB VIOLATION - ACTIVE 03/01/2013
V* 031214AEUHAZ100162 DOB VIOLATION - DISMISSED 03/12/2014

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